Louis Nesbitt

Louis Nesbitt is a Business & Community Development Specialist in Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS). With a passion for education, community engagement, and the arts, Louis seeks to blend these elements in his role to contribute to the growth and development of AACPS.

Louis embarked on his AACPS journey in January 2021 as a dedicated teacher and in his current capacity, Louis strives to foster meaningful partnerships between AACPS and the local community. His work also extends to collaborating with the Education Foundation of AACPS, where he contributes to the enhancement of educational opportunities for students. Louis is an advocate for community outreach, recognizing the vital role it plays in creating a supportive environment for both students and educators.

Before joining AACPS, Louis brought his expertise to international classrooms, spending five impactful years teaching English as a Second Language in Colombia. His experiences ranged from public to private schools, where he not only taught language skills but also connected with business professionals, enriching their communication abilities.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Louis is a fervent enthusiast of sports and the arts. Whether cheering for his favorite team (the Knicks and the Manchester City Blues) or immersing himself in creative expressions, Louis finds joy in the diverse world of sports and the arts. His love for the arts has led him to become a published author, self-publishing two books that reflect. his creativity and unique perspective. Additionally, Louis has ventured into the world of podcasting, hosting his own show with over 100 episodes, where he explores various topics with enthusiasm and insight, as well as co-hosting a sports podcast and producing podcasts for others.

Louis’ dedication to nurturing partnerships and fostering a holistic learning environment underscores his commitment to the growth and success of both students and the community at large.